Jamie Murray
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Houdini Engine
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H12 silent install question 2012年5月23日10:32
poll: should RebusFarm supporting Houdini ? 2012年1月13日10:01
Hey there QuakeMarine 
So you not considering Houdini then? That's a shame.

So you not considering Houdini then? That's a shame.
Mantra Python filter property to set filename differently 2009年12月9日8:59
Thanks for the reply. I'm going to avoid using multiple IFDs and image planes for the mean time. The main thinking behind this is to remove the need to re-render IFDs and try and keep as much of the tile-rendering on the farm functionality to the mantra python wrapper.
Additionally I'm looking to get this base functionality working then we can add more features to it as we progress.
I'll make the farms python mantra wrapper check for the render huge tile flags from the farm and call the tile co-ord function from the python filter and append the file name with the tile co-ords for the auto-stitcher script to re-join etc..
I can see how it works, slight shame that python filtering doesn't reach into the output api of the render but hey, that's not the end of the world!
'xpect me to be spamming these forums a little more in weeks ahead Nick!
Additionally I'm looking to get this base functionality working then we can add more features to it as we progress.
I'll make the farms python mantra wrapper check for the render huge tile flags from the farm and call the tile co-ord function from the python filter and append the file name with the tile co-ords for the auto-stitcher script to re-join etc..
I can see how it works, slight shame that python filtering doesn't reach into the output api of the render but hey, that's not the end of the world!
'xpect me to be spamming these forums a little more in weeks ahead Nick!