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houdini cloud renders fail with mantra surface 2014年9月17日17:44

It seems the EC2 cloud version is running 13.0.376 and I'm running 13.0.447 and between those two versions, the pbrlighting node and texture nodes were updated with functions that the cloud machines can't understand:

Failed: The attempted operation failed.
Error: /shop/vopmaterial1/bumpColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,33:45)
/shop/vopmaterial1/normalColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/diffuseColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/sssColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/sssAttenColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/reflectColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/reflMaskColor1/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/reflectColor2/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/reflMaskColor2/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/emissioncolor1/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,34:46)
/shop/vopmaterial1/opacityColor/texture1: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,35:47)
/shop/vopmaterial1/surfaceModel/computelighting1/pbrlighting1: Unrecognized variadic keyword ‘colorlimitdecay’ (27,32)
/shop/vopmaterial1/textureDisp: Call to undefined function ‘getptextureid’. (5,31:43)

Worse, the cloud version 13.0.376 isn't available anywhere. Anyone have a fix? Thoughts? Thanks,

Mass Removal of Custom Markers 2014年9月10日12:55

I think qlib comes with a shelf tool for that.

cvex in sop context 2014年1月11日16:44

1) Is the only way to use cvex in the sop context to create an AttribVOP node and set the script path to your vfl file?

2) Is there a way to run New Operator Type, like Geometry Operator, but allowing CVEX context instead of just sop context in the code tab?
