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foreach loop using attributewrangle per input point 2023年6月28日11:42
You can do the same without connecting the meta node to attribwrangle node. You just have to add a spare parm pointing to the meta node and then using -1 for the detail function call:detail ( -1, "iteration" )
Could you please add more details to your suggestion.
Add a spare parm pointing to the meta node is a bit vague to me.
Connecting the meta node to the second input of the attributewrangle is a simple fix.
foreach loop using attributewrangle per input point 2023年6月27日18:12
Even with the suggestion from @animatrix the attributewrangle still would not access
the iteration or value attributes.
Forum author bubblepins gave me a solution for this issue.
here is some sample Vex code in my scene.
the iteration or value attributes.
Forum author bubblepins gave me a solution for this issue.
when using an attributewrangle inside a foreach looop, you need to connect the "metadata" foreach node
(that extra foreach node that contains the iteration value)
and you need to connect that node to the second input of the attributewrangle
here is some sample Vex code in my scene.
int thisptnum = detail(1,"value",0); int thisvalue = thisptnum * 10; vector thispoint = point("../line","P",thisptnum); setpointattrib(geoself(), "n2", thisptnum, thisvalue, "set"); printf(" P=%f ptnum=%d value=%d\n",thispoint,thisptnum,thisvalue);
Error: Unable to load HFS OpenCL platform 2023年6月7日16:51
Try to add this environment variable to your 'houdini.env' file:
thank you @zoeyyyyyyyy2018
this fixed my issue with opencl
I can now use the RBD sop toolset