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Soft pinned constraints in Vellum? 2024年10月20日15:42
Not sure if I fully understand what exactly you want to to, but it is possible to stop vellum when you set @mass to 0. Or have you tried the @stopped or @dead attribute?
Solaris Karma | Assign Material to Mesh 2024年10月12日6:51
thanks for the answer. I read all that but I think it's just not clear how it is supposed to work in general. I also did a test scene with assigned materials (without instancing) pointing to the VOB inside the material library LOP. In SOPs it gets the right displayColor from the material, but in the stage context it's not working. Also I thought it would translate shop_materialpath to whatever LOP can read ("usdmaterialpath" ?) as it does with other standard attributes (Cd to displayColor fe).
This really puzzles me. I hope somebody knows how this works.
thanks for the answer. I read all that but I think it's just not clear how it is supposed to work in general. I also did a test scene with assigned materials (without instancing) pointing to the VOB inside the material library LOP. In SOPs it gets the right displayColor from the material, but in the stage context it's not working. Also I thought it would translate shop_materialpath to whatever LOP can read ("usdmaterialpath" ?) as it does with other standard attributes (Cd to displayColor fe).
This really puzzles me. I hope somebody knows how this works.
Solaris Karma | Assign Material to Mesh 2024年10月11日9:49
Hi there,
this has probably been discussed before, but I can't find an answer or get it to work in my scene.
I made some caches and load them via instancepath as packed geo (packed disc) in my scene. These instances consist of two streams with "name" and "shop_materialpath" attributes. I used the name so that I have them separated in Solaris.
When I import it in Solaris I have everything I thought I need. The instanced meshes (Xform) and all instances with meshes (flakes and surface) according to my "name" attribute. These have the primvars, including the shop_materialpath (set to a VOP in the material library LOP).
But it only renderns a standard shader and not the assigned one (with shop_materialpath). Do I have to activate the VOP in Solaris (the material libray LOP) somehow or how is this supposed to work? Would it be possible to assign one VOP to all Meshes in my Instances that are called "surface"? I tried a lot of stuff, but nothing seems to work unfortunately.
Any help on this is highly appreciated.
// Edit: oh, the yellow exclamation mark comes from "The layer imported from SOPs has no save path set. The SOP node's layer will be output to a file path generated from its Houdini path." which i will also never understand. When I set an save path these meshes disappear in the rendering but it works if I just leave it as it is. But that's different thing :/
this has probably been discussed before, but I can't find an answer or get it to work in my scene.
I made some caches and load them via instancepath as packed geo (packed disc) in my scene. These instances consist of two streams with "name" and "shop_materialpath" attributes. I used the name so that I have them separated in Solaris.
When I import it in Solaris I have everything I thought I need. The instanced meshes (Xform) and all instances with meshes (flakes and surface) according to my "name" attribute. These have the primvars, including the shop_materialpath (set to a VOP in the material library LOP).
But it only renderns a standard shader and not the assigned one (with shop_materialpath). Do I have to activate the VOP in Solaris (the material libray LOP) somehow or how is this supposed to work? Would it be possible to assign one VOP to all Meshes in my Instances that are called "surface"? I tried a lot of stuff, but nothing seems to work unfortunately.
Any help on this is highly appreciated.
// Edit: oh, the yellow exclamation mark comes from "The layer imported from SOPs has no save path set. The SOP node's layer will be output to a file path generated from its Houdini path." which i will also never understand. When I set an save path these meshes disappear in the rendering but it works if I just leave it as it is. But that's different thing :/