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Cooking issue after cached! 2024年9月11日10:47

It could also be that there are some template flags between the sim and the cache node switched on. Or maybe you view "all objects" which could include merges etc. Worth checking all options.

If you just view the cache the sim should not cook, that is not normal behavior.

Copytopoint node driven by 3@transform? 2024年9月11日9:49

3 is not a vector type. You use 3@transform to write a 3x3 matrix (aka rotation matrix) which is called "transform". The rotation matrix called transform is a standard and can be interpreted by the copytopoints SOP in the same way as orient, or N or v etc.
There is also 4@ and 2@.

Houdini takes forever to start. 2023年10月2日8:03

Maybe something external slows the starting process down? Do you load many otls or packages?

You could copy your preferences folder to another location and see if it starts faster with an empty userfolder.

// Is your Houdini located on an SSD? If it's on an old HDD or external Server that could also be the issue.