Yuri Serizawa

Yuri Serizawa

About Me



Houdini Engine


Not Specified

Recent Forum Posts

MaterialX and OCIO? 2021年12月1日11:03

I wish they had ACES profiles built in.

Houdini Runtime Settings Class 2021年11月8日11:00

Hi SideFX,

This is about Houdini Engine API in BP.
What is this "Houdini Runtime Settings" class, and how to use it?
It seems like this node can set the distance field resolution scale setting on Houdini asset actor, but I don't have any nodes which outputs Houdini Runtime Settings class.

How can I use this node?


Control options for "Recenter baked actors" parameter 2021年11月1日1:40

Hi awesome SideFX peeps,

Is there any way to control "Recenter baked actors" while baking HDA output to the actor or blurprint?
What I'd like to do is, setting up the pivot as the center only on X and Z, and putting it at the bottom for Y with some attributes like D_MINY or D_MAXX.
Is this possible, or should I make a request through RFE?
