akim_hobo Kim
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volvis_motionvec does not work in H20 2023年12月26日15:53
I'm also seeing this bug
are eGPU's compatible with opencl pyro solving? 2020年10月6日16:47
Houdini 18.0566
RTX2080 in eGPU enclosure
I've set my solver to Opencl and the gpu is set to the 2080RTX in preferences>misc. But when I play my CPU is throttled while my GPU is only 20-30% utilized. Is this expected?
RTX2080 in eGPU enclosure
I've set my solver to Opencl and the gpu is set to the 2080RTX in preferences>misc. But when I play my CPU is throttled while my GPU is only 20-30% utilized. Is this expected?
Clay Material 2012年6月18日18:20
Submitted, and thanks