Dax Lafleur


About Me

VFX Artist


Tampa, United States

Houdini Engine


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Recent Forum Posts

Live link to Maya? Import mesh to sculpt/final with groom? 2024年10月17日23:38

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if there is a way to set up some sort of live link between Maya and Houdini using the Houdini engine?

For example, I prefer character finaling or shot sculpting in Maya vs. Houdini. At Sony we had a live link between Maya and Katana for other reasons, but I was wondering if something similar was possible between the two dcc packages. I love so much about Houdini, but still prefer the character finaling/shot sculpting workflow with Maya and tools similar to AnimPolish from Josh Sobel.

A lot of my work has been with proprietary tools, but it would be awesome if a setup like this was possible with Houdini Engine and Maya (I'm a newbie to this part of Houdini and zero experience with Houdini Engine).

Thank you!

Help with wedge + mosaic gallery 2024年10月13日20:45

Hi all,

I thought I had this working, but I am trying to create a wedge tool with a mosaic gallery for Look Dev.

I ran into an issue where the overlay will have correct attribute data for the wedge, but either the partitions aren't working, or the wedge isn't updating the geometry correctly (or both).

Also, I do not need animation or movies since I just want static images of the result.
In my current example, I am trying to make a wedge for a fuzzy ball to test density and length attributes for example.
I've tried pasting relative references and a few other things, but the wedge shows 2x2 with the same attributes and the hair doesn't change length or density.

Oh, and I did check the wedge outputs and it does seem to pass down the various wedge attributes, so I'm thinking it's the render/partition frames that are the issue. Just don't see it.


Secondary motion on fur without simulation? 2024年10月1日15:37

Can't find out why it's not working in your scene, there should an issue in node path configuration somewhere between guidedeform node, chopnet and channel sop.

Here's an example of how to do this in SOPs, you can try out Lag, Spring and Jiggle CHOPs with this example. A Blend Shapes SOP is added at the end so that CHOPs motion applys only over curveu's profile.

EDIT : also added a Guide Process SOP at the end to get back to initial guide length, because morphing between animation and CHOPs makes guides lose/gain length.

I will check the paths you pointed out. Everything seems correct.

Thank you for this scene! This is exactly what I was looking for. The Lag, Spring, and Jiggle CHOPs can be really useful and I see background characters at least getting this sort of treatment.

Thanks again!