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Deep Image Compositing 2012年4月12日12:52

i looked at the cortex page but as i don't have much programing experience, I'm kinda lost as to how to incorporate these libraries to work with the conversion.

Once you build the Cortex libs, you can simply launch python (or hython) in a away that both the prman and Houdini libs are accessible. From there it's just:

import IECore
import IECoreRI
import IECoreHoudini

IECore.DeepImageConverter()( inputFile=“existingFile.rat”, outputFile=“newFile.dtex” )

If you have more Cortex specific questions, you can email

Deep Image Compositing 2012年4月3日15:02

And works nicely, but only supports the Color and Depth channels.

If I recall, that limitation is because I couldn't figure out how to create a RAT with more channels at the time. Cortex's format supports arbitrary channels, as does the DTEXDeepImageWriter, so it should be trivial to add aribitrary channel support to the RATDeepImageReader, if you have an example to work with.

In any case, Nuke's dtexDeepReader only supports RGBA anyways, so it would all be for naught I suppose…

Default expressions for multiparm block child parameters 2011年10月20日15:37

Is it possible to create an HDA that has a default python expression for a sub-parm of a multiparm block?

I'm trying to get the sub parameter “filename#” to have a default python expression that returns an appropriate file name. I'll also need the value of # to be passed into the python script somehow.

Since my multiparm block defaults to 0, no expressions for the sub parameters seem to be saved in my otl. I did find a file in the expanded otl called childNode.multiparm which seems to be hscript channel references linking the sub-parms in the child node to the sub-parms in the top level HDA. Does anyone know the syntax for this file? Is there a way to insert python expressions here? Is there some way to expand the value of #?
