Anderson Brandao Sudario
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How do I pass/get "tangentu" from Points(rivet) (CHOPS) 2024年7月17日22:25
chops.png attached as ref.
in this network, Points is referring a CARVE node outputting an animated position along a path.
I can setup an UP attribute in this node, but I am not sure how to pass it to, say, the 3rd input on a constraint look at node.
Currently, I am delaying (delay node) the output from the Points and used this as 3rd input.
the goal is just to keep the UP based on the closest tangent of the path.
If everything goes wrong? how do I build myself a custom UP vector in chops?
in this network, Points is referring a CARVE node outputting an animated position along a path.
I can setup an UP attribute in this node, but I am not sure how to pass it to, say, the 3rd input on a constraint look at node.
Currently, I am delaying (delay node) the output from the Points and used this as 3rd input.
the goal is just to keep the UP based on the closest tangent of the path.
If everything goes wrong? how do I build myself a custom UP vector in chops?
how to evaluate if a point is inside a geometry 2024年7月10日23:26
So if you are late to join the party, there is a node (Group geometry) in the solution by sidenimjay which is depracated since version 16!
Just replace it by Group Expression node and on Group Name and VEXpression set $OS, @inside respectively. Also rename the group node to reflect the output on the blast node
Just replace it by Group Expression node and on Group Name and VEXpression set $OS, @inside respectively. Also rename the group node to reflect the output on the blast node
Grid random extrude ... 2022年1月24日22:45
on the same topic, I am trying to add random rotation for each element on the polyextrude level.
Using a foreach loop I can get to the result I want, but a bit cumbersome.
On the left side, I was trying to find a way to iterate on each primitive within the expression set to Pre-Rotate parameter.
It is now currently hardcoded to "0", where I would like to iterate. Currently I get all faces with same orientation.
Using a foreach loop I can get to the result I want, but a bit cumbersome.
On the left side, I was trying to find a way to iterate on each primitive within the expression set to Pre-Rotate parameter.
It is now currently hardcoded to "0", where I would like to iterate. Currently I get all faces with same orientation.