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How do you export alembics from a frame sequence? 2022年9月15日19:53
I am trying to export out alembic animations from frames generated earlier in the process.
I tried partitioning the frames into a single work item and then using the alembic rop node as well as a rop fetch but have only been able to get the first frame to export so far.
I tried partitioning the frames into a single work item and then using the alembic rop node as well as a rop fetch but have only been able to get the first frame to export so far.
button press only work when previewing work item 2021年11月23日11:38
I have a python node pressing the render to disk button on a gltf rop. In tops the export works only when I preview a work item. Am I doing this wrong and or is there a command to preview each workitem?
how do I add points to a group over time 2017年4月13日15:22
thank you for all the help and guidance