carl drifter


About Me

VFX superviser, 3D, simulation



Houdini Engine


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houdini19.5 install error dgbcore.dll 2022年8月2日0:47

Hi everyone,

When I installed houdini19.5, I got this error: error opening file writing: .../.../ dbgcore.dll.

When I clicked ignore, it turned out dbgen.dll/dbghelp.dll

How Can I solve this problem,thanks.

IRON HEART WINNERS 2021年4月1日2:07

Congratulations to everyone who finished this challenge and you are all the winners.I believed we all had a special March and this is one of most memorable experiences in my life. I regard this challenge as a competition that everyone needs to participate in once in their life, not to compete with others but fight for yourself.
I want to thank all sidefx staff for this great opportunity and day and night works with us. Especially thanks to Ben Mears who gave me a lot of encouragement when I was in self-doubt. Also especially thanks to Moeen who continued to give useful comments to our works and I will take his advice to refine my work if I have time in the future. Finally,I need to thank my wife and my family members who support me for all this challenge.

Since almost all my submissions are videos(only 2 images for  31 days), I made a compilation of my submission. As I mentioned previously, I wanted to test my limitations and breakthrough if possible, so I added 3 more limitations besides Mardini rules.  First, try to make more video submissions instead of images,and all works are using 16:9 resolution. Second,try my best to reach production quality in one day. Last but not least, Never choose the easy path and keep learning something new from each day's work.Now, I finished all 31 days of work and I think I realised what I aim for though exhausted and sleepy. I am quite satisfied with this "impossible mission" although they are far from perfect.

I learned and reflected a lot for my 4 years houdini journey during this challenge, especially when I saw so many talented artists creating amazing artwork using houdini. Hopefully, in the future, I will have a chance to share with you all my learning experience and methods in houdini. Just keep moving on and this is not an end but a brand new start. Cheers.

Day 31 Animation | Elements | Fire 2021年3月31日23:41

Mardini Day31 fire
Finally we made it! Thanks Sidefx and everybody.There should be fire and flower for all of you.Cheers.