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Sort and Join primitives. 2010年7月21日12:24

I have a curve. I have done some calculations and made it in to multiple prims.Right now I have a set of primitives (some of them connected primitives and some of them not connected). I want to join all the connected primitives in to a single primitive.When I did that some of the primitives are disappearing.I found that the primitives are not in order and that is causing the problem.I tried to use the sort sop in order to make all the prims in order(number wise).But none of the options in sort sop resulting the same.Could any one please tell me how to go for it.

how to partition a single primitive in to multiple 2010年7月21日12:16

thank you very much guys for all the replies….It really helped…

how to partition a single primitive in to multiple 2010年7月18日14:58

I have a curve(single primitive) with points of different colors( red, green yellow).I want to partition this curve in to multiple primitives.For every color change across the curve,I want a different primitive.Could any please tell me how to go for it.