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can't set prerender script from tcl properly 2005年8月2日13:23

What's weird is that I wasn't using any curly braces. They just showed up in my pre-render script parameter. Well, I guess it's time to upgrade to 8. We were just considering doing that yesterday.

Thanks for testing in 8 for me!

can't set prerender script from tcl properly 2005年8月2日12:46

I can't get tcl to set the prerender/postrender scripts for a render ROP.

If I put this into the TK Console:

hscript opparm /out/mantra1 prerender “hello”

it works properly and puts hello in the prerender script parameter. But if I put any real script commands:

hscript opparm /out/mantra1 prerender “opcf /obj;”

It says “Unknown command: }” and it puts “{opcf” in the prerender script parameter.

What I'm trying to do is run a tcl script file when I press a button in a digital asset. The tcl script creates the prerender script string I want and puts it into the ROP. I have a variable $prerenderscript. I will do this:
hscript opparm /out/mantra1 prerender $prerenderscript.

But I keep getting just the curly braces and the first word of my script to show up in the prerender script parameter.

Does anyone know what is happening here?

Christine Smith
Norhtrop Grumman
Engineering Visualization Resource

Missing textures from otl in render 2005年6月1日18:45

When you created these digital assets did you copy any previous one that had embedded textures? I don't know if this is the case, but I've found that if you copy a digital asset, then the new one points to the textures in the old one. So if the old one is gone, the new one loses the link to the textures. (You would assume that it would automatically point inside itself rather than point to the otl it was copied from, but it doesn't.) Make sure that your texture references are looking in the right place. You might want to try deleting the texture maps from the otl, re-embedding them, then re-referencing them.

Christine Smith
Northrop Grumman
Engineering Visualization Resource