Hammer Chu


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Chinese, Japanese characters in COPS Font 2008年4月29日12:18

too bad~ thx though

Chinese, Japanese characters in COPS Font 2008年4月29日4:50

Hi guys,

Does anyone know if Houdini COPS support chinese & japanese characters in the fonts COP?

i am trying to use COPS on one of my projects that involve some asian fonts effects and I really hope that I don't have to input asian fonts as outline one by one. Any ideas from anyone?


Hammer Chu

Dops expression problem 2005年8月24日19:08

Hi everyone,

I am having problems of using dopsnumrecords() in sops, It will display probably in the field but it won't update the parameter.

e.g. I use the dopnumrecords(“/obj/dopnet1”, 3, “Impacts”, “Impacts”) to driven the Y translation of a grid. I can tell it's getting the correct value in each frame when I click on the parameter name, but the grid just won't move at all.

It seems that Dops expression will only update the SOP parameter at the frame when the exp was created and I remember I used the exactly same expression on the alpha version of DOPs and it was working fine… …any idea for this one?


Hammer Chu