Christian Pramuk


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Houdini for multimaterial 3d printing 2015年12月3日17:51

Hi all
I've been trying to create a digital asset that would convert a (keeping it simple) black and white uv textured object to multiple objects that use the black and white uv info for the breakup.
Similar to the digitaltutors project here about image based rigid body for destruction, only I'd use it for 3d printing.
http// [http] This works for planar surfaces, but I'd like it to work on objects that are not just planar.
With multiple shells representing one object they can be assigned different materials (based on the black and white) for a 3d printer that supports multiple materials.

cut polygon model based on threshold of texture color? 2012年7月20日18:56

I've seen some examples of painting the model to determine how the model will break apart in RBD.
I am looking for something similar, not in RBD, but rather cut up my model based on the texture and its uvs.
Any pointers welcome!