Simon Ohler


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obj-image HIVE
Lighting & Effects for ‘Richard the Stork’

Recent Forum Posts

Bullet and RBD Glue question 2012年5月12日11:00

I am having the same problem. Bullet behaving weird with glue. This post seems to tackle the problem, by editing the bullet solver plugin: []

I hope this will be fixed in a future build!

TwoState Constraint Relationship node not working correctly? 2012年1月15日16:06


In my scene I want to break a pin constraint when a certain force property value gets crossed. Unfortunately, the pin constraint doesn`t provide controls for that. So I took a look at the spring constraint, which does just that by using the “Two State Constraint Relationship” node - switching from a “spring relationship” to “no relationship” as soon as a force threshold gets passed.

So I rebuilt that using a “hard constraint relationship” node instead of the “spring relationship” node. And here is my problem:

When using the hard constraint node the force property is always set to zero, so it can never “break”. Is this a bug or am I missing the obvious? It definitly should work as this is from the docs of the “constraint relationship” node:

Two State Constraint

Acts as a hard constraint until certain forces are met, then acts like a spring constraint.

The constraint switches between a hard and a spring constraint based on the motion of the constrained object:


When the constraint is hard, if the “pull” of the object goes beyond the Two State Max Force value, the hard constraint will “let go” and turn into a spring constraint.

When the constraint is a spring, if the object gets within the Two State Min Distance of the goal, the spring will turn into a hard constraint.

Two State Max Force

Sets the force threshold for changing a two state constraint from the hard constraint state to the spring constraint state.

The quoted letting go never happens, only the “from spring to hard constraint” part works.

I have attached a simple example scene using the “constraint relationship” node to switch from hard to spring constraint and back with only the spring to hard part working.


displacing sphere type particles with rest position 2012年1月5日11:13


For my scene I need lots of individually noise displaced sphere particles. Instancing is not really an option as writing out the ifd takes ages. So I am using the sphere particle render type in pops, which works great as I can still displace them. The problem is though, that I dont want them to move through the noise but have it stick to them(and animate the noise later).
I tried setting up rest position and it also seems to work, bit it kills the noise and displaces the spheres uniformly, just adding to the pscale. My guess is this happens because sphere type particles only have just one primitive and one normal - it's just strange that applying displacement without rest position works.
I have added a simple example scene to illustrate the problem.

Is there a way to use rest position with particle sphere type?
