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long stalls when adding ops, etc. 2016年1月19日13:56

cut and pasting the whole shebang into a new file resolved it. I can work again!!

thanks for the tip!!!

long stalls when adding ops, etc. 2016年1月18日15:59

I'm getting huge (15-30 second) stalls when I first add an operator, or change the viewport or any one of a number of other things. 15.357 (and .347 before it). several cores run houdini.exe hard for as long as the stall takes. selecting the same operator then creates no stall and runs fine, until I select some other operator, etc.. seems to happen with any file. opening in 14 seems OK. Any ideas on what might do that?

thanks in advance,

FBX SDK Upgraded to 2011.3 2010年10月29日17:30

there's a chooser in the FBX renderop for FBX SDK version, but only one version shows up.
I need to use 2010 instead of 2011 for our pipeline, any chance?