Steffen Dünner
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"Auto Takes" Horror 2017年8月3日13:06
Hi there!
I just noticed a “feature” in H16 (also in H15.5 but not that extremely bad) that almost ruined a whole day's work.
I was working on a shot that had several takes and Mantra output ROPs. “Auto Takes” was deactivated, there was no red warning sign next to it.
I created another ROP (while a take was active which might've been the problem but there was no warning or error message) and kept on working and tweaking etc.
Business as usual when after an hour or so I clicked on the Takes selection menu on the upper-right corner:
“Auto-Takes” was active!!!
Still no warning sign next to the take name. Of course the whole take was filled with useless entries. Everything I touched and tweaked found its way into the take. At least I noticed it accidentally and I could reproduce the point of time when it happened.
I unchecked the Auto-Takes option and activated it again: the warning sign showed up like it was supposed to be!
In H15.5 it's the same but at least the Auto-Takes option has a check mark inside and you might be able to spot it in the corner of your eye.
To make a long story short, maybe this makes sense and is somehow expected or useful, but in case you're creating new ROPs while a take is active it should either just work without activating Auto-Takes or just pop up a warning message “Permission Denied” like when trying to change parameters while in a take.
Oh, and of course the H16 warning sign should always be in sync with the Auto-Takes option!
I just noticed a “feature” in H16 (also in H15.5 but not that extremely bad) that almost ruined a whole day's work.
I was working on a shot that had several takes and Mantra output ROPs. “Auto Takes” was deactivated, there was no red warning sign next to it.
I created another ROP (while a take was active which might've been the problem but there was no warning or error message) and kept on working and tweaking etc.
Business as usual when after an hour or so I clicked on the Takes selection menu on the upper-right corner:
“Auto-Takes” was active!!!

Still no warning sign next to the take name. Of course the whole take was filled with useless entries. Everything I touched and tweaked found its way into the take. At least I noticed it accidentally and I could reproduce the point of time when it happened.
I unchecked the Auto-Takes option and activated it again: the warning sign showed up like it was supposed to be!
In H15.5 it's the same but at least the Auto-Takes option has a check mark inside and you might be able to spot it in the corner of your eye.
To make a long story short, maybe this makes sense and is somehow expected or useful, but in case you're creating new ROPs while a take is active it should either just work without activating Auto-Takes or just pop up a warning message “Permission Denied” like when trying to change parameters while in a take.
Oh, and of course the H16 warning sign should always be in sync with the Auto-Takes option!
license renewal question 2017年5月20日5:37
My license will expire in a few days. Did something change in terms of license renewal or do I still just buy a new license?
Houdini 16 2017年2月7日11:51
Thanks for your quick response. OCIO in Mplay is a big help already.