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Vmantra multihost rendering 2005年5月5日16:03


I'm rendering a project and I've got a few computers available to render with. I've searched high and low for help on vmantra command line settings (or for that matter any knowledge of the existence of vmantra) in the help files. How can I network render with vmantra in the same way as I can with mantra -H host1 host2… hostx etc?

L-system with two shader 2005年4月18日16:15

Have a look at the L-system helpcards and look up methods for creating groups in L-systems. You can use these to create groups for shading in a single Shader SOP. I've just been creating L-system trees using this method.

Linux!!! 2005年2月6日4:53

OK, thanks for the info. So, it seems that I'm at the following stage: Got FC3 64-bit running, including 64-bit nVidia drivers, installed Houdini but missing at least one library (

I need 32-bit drivers and libraries and to run it in compatibility mode to get it working - so where can I get these and how do I get them to work?

My second question, of course, is obvious - is Houdini going to be released for the 64-bit platform soon?