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RedHat 8.0 2003年1月23日5:56

Also KDE doesnt have the popup issue thats in Genome. (when you quick without saving, the popup is screwed up in Genome, but in KDE it works fine)


Cant read any off the sample files! Please help! (winxp) 2003年1月21日4:26


Thanks for the feed back, it got me thinking along the right lines, I tried copying the files to the temp directory and trying from there.. but it still opened the file with nothing in it, so I started thinking that what if the problem is in the file it self. I have RedHat installed so I went in there and redid the unpacking of the second cd oringinal tar. (orinignaly I unpacked the tar with Winzip) once I extracted everything I return to windows and boom the file loaded. A bit bizare but something must be extracting incorrecly from winzip. My only question left is with the actual files in lets say the demo of the ?houdwink? When I unzip the .zip files provided on the community website, unpack it into some directory and then open the hid file, I get all the bones and animation, but no geometry, when I look into the network editor the houdwink geometry has information that the .geo file is missing. If I look into the aliases I see the followin setting for .geo files ../GEO and the .hid it states the complete path for the hid file that I opened, if I copy the path to geo and change the path leg to xxx/geo the geometry opens. The question here is why doesnt it find the geometry originaly? I havent tried it, but I am shure I will have the same issues with any files that have their models directory outside of the hid files. Can someone give me a hint on this? Thanks!

Best Regards,


Cant read any off the sample files! Please help! (winxp) 2003年1月20日15:12

I am trying to look at some of the examples provided on the CD2 in the learningData\sample_files\ and everytime I open the files in Houdini I get the desktop from the projects I assume but there is nothing in the project??? I have the same issue opening the demo\UserguideFiles ? What am I doing wrong? I can open my own projects, but I have no idea whats going on with the path reading for the rest.. please help!!

Best Regards,
