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Transparency fade off for overlapping multi-layer shaders 2013年1月14日20:50

I was wondering if there was a way I could have two overlapping textures fade in to one another on my geometry.

ie sand, then fade into a second uvtexture of rocks

found a few posts but they all go back to like 2004 and all the links are dead and advice not relevent to houdini 11 at uni

Ideally id like to scult say a ditch and have the rocky texture at the bottom and sand on the top and them merge on the edges.

I can apply different materials use the material sop and grouds to the geometry but there is no merge, just texture 1, texture 2 squares

New here, Help with mutli texturing 2013年1月2日20:07

Thanks for taking the time to do this, this is pritty much along the lines i was heading.

Unfortunatly the version of houdini at uni is 11. something and when i open the file it is all unplugged, i tried to reconnect it all but it all comes out grey.

But from what i understand of the structure 2 groups are made, group 2 being =/ to all but group 1 in the combine tab.

then using the material sop to overide the the variable for the group, in this case the base color value.

But yes, i was planning to composite in photoshop to go at it with the textures properly

On another note, would you have any tips at all for creating a natural-ish looking landscape base. currently i have been experementing with mounts sop, sculpt, smooth, etc

But have looked at displacements

Thanks again Rob

New here, Help with mutli texturing 2013年1月1日17:59

Im pritty new to houdini but sussed the basics and can make stuff in my own way.

However I am trying to create a 3D landscape to use as an image.

Is there a way to add multiple textures to say a grid SOP that i sculpted, mountain, deformed into a basic landscape?

I have tried adding to geometry groups, group paint to ‘paint’ tips of mountaints etc to have them merge into a 2nd texture, or paint areas of floor to have them different texture to add a bit of variation, ie sand to rocky if you get what i mean.

Any other tips for making a landscape I would also love.

Currently i start with a basic grid, add a uvtexture/project -> mountainsop, sub div, sculpt, then add doodads

I did manage to use the materialsop to sort of work, but it wouldnt recognise the groups i created so had to physically select prims, also it wasnt a smooth transition at all

Thanks for any help