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Toon Character Motion Capture Rig Set Up Help?! 2009年3月31日13:00

Hey graham,

Thanks so much for replieing to me! I am so happy that you did, I got the rig working! I really appreciate the help and the detailed response. I am sure we will now be able to ditch the Autodesk ship and now work in Houdini all the way! That was the one major drag and that helped solve the problem.

Thanks again for the help!



Toon Character Motion Capture Rig Set Up Help?! 2009年3月31日2:50

Hey guys,

I have been trying to import motion capture data into Houdini for quite a while now and am having difficulties.

I can get the bvh data in as a motion capture skeleton through the .cmd file, and it moves around, however getting it onto the Toon Character motion capture rig has been difficult. I have even used the digital asset tool that goes with it to set up the bone stucture, but I keep getting errors. Is there a required structure needed to do this?

Could someone please describe to me a step by step process on how to apply a skeleton with motion capture applied to it, onto a character, like the toon character, and the requirments needed?! As I have not found anything else on the internet that describes Houdini and Motion Capture well. Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially since this depends on our decision to go entirely Houdini on an upcoming production. Thanks Guys!

