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Houdini Engine


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Houdini Apprentice HD? 2009年9月15日14:30

So then I must have it set right.. Next question is it hangs when I try to close or set a new window . The only way I can close it is with windows task manager, what is going on there?

Houdini Apprentice HD? 2009年9月15日8:39

Stupid question, how do I get this up and running? With License server or apprentice. I used the apprentice mainly because the license server did not work and now I think I paid $99 dollars for nothing.

Houdini gets stuck.. 2009年6月4日14:22

The only way I can shut down Houdini is by closing with task manager I cannot clean out the scene and put in a new one with out starting over and it is a pain in the you know what to do that. What is wrong? I get know answer from support.. :evil: Very frustrating..