Michael Goldfarb


About Me

Technical Director
Education  | Film/TV


Toronto, Canada

Houdini Engine


I am currently employed at SideFX

My Badges

SideFX Staff
Since 6月 2015


obj-image Beginner
KineFX Rigging with APEX
obj-image Intermediate
Objects Rigs to KineFX and Back Again
obj-image Beginner
Rigging Series 2 | Capturing Geometry
obj-image Intermediate
Rigging Series - 05 Left Leg
obj-image Intermediate
Rigging Series - 04 Left Hand & Left Arm Completion
obj-image Intermediate
Rigging Series - 03 Left Arm

My Talks

obj-image HIVE
Rigging in Houdini 16
obj-image HIVE
Metahumans and KineFX

Recent Forum Posts

Parms dict attribute not affecting apex graph [solved] 2024年12月19日12:43

Ah! thanks for letting us know!!
I'll update the video asap.

Attach Geometry to Joint Hierarchy KineFX 2024年11月22日13:32

APEX graphs as geometry 2024年11月14日12:47

yes, I did say that didn't I?

we could have invented some sort of custom format to store the rig, but the skeletal geometry is right there so why not
it's just a quirk that you can then load this geometry and view it - makes for some fun tricks!