Michael Goldfarb


About Me

Technical Director
Education  | Film/TV


Toronto, Canada

Houdini Engine


I am currently employed at SideFX

My Badges

SideFX Staff
Since 6月 2015


obj-image Beginner
KineFX Rigging with APEX
obj-image Intermediate
Objects Rigs to KineFX and Back Again
obj-image Beginner
Rigging Series 2 | Capturing Geometry
obj-image Intermediate
Rigging Series - 05 Left Leg
obj-image Intermediate
Rigging Series - 04 Left Hand & Left Arm Completion
obj-image Intermediate
Rigging Series - 03 Left Arm

My Talks

obj-image HIVE
Rigging in Houdini 16
obj-image HIVE
Metahumans and KineFX

Recent Forum Posts

APEX graphs as geometry 2024年11月14日12:47

yes, I did say that didn't I?

we could have invented some sort of custom format to store the rig, but the skeletal geometry is right there so why not
it's just a quirk that you can then load this geometry and view it - makes for some fun tricks!

Surfacing Bad Skeletal Geo with VDB 2024年8月27日11:22

try to fill some of those holes first, use polyFill etc

and I think the mesh needs to be reversed also


Weight Painting. 2024年8月9日12:49

yes, I go through it in the tutorial

but the main difference is that jointcapturebiharmonic:
does a bunch of stuff that you don't know about and don't have much control over (and I'd argue don't need)
hides everything from you - so you don't know what is going on, and can't figure out how to fix something if it doesn't give the results you expect.

the biharmonic capture in Houdini is the best that I've ever used, and with some planning, breaking up your mesh into logical pieces, using different resolution tet meshes (see the tutorial) etc will give you the best results