Diogo Guerreiro
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Senior VFX Artist at MPC
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Houdini Engine
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Object Collision with Wave from OCEAN FX tool 2019年2月4日6:13
The Houdini Master Class on the new ocean tools has a setup for this on the downloads on Side Effects site that go with the instructional videos.
It includes chops for creating lag and it's easy to add other controls to limit the specta's influence on the floating object.
It uses a three point system that you can move outwards or inwards towards the floating object giving the effect of dampening or widening the effect of the waves on pitch and roll.
Also by translating this three point system you can get your boat for example to move through the ocean after you pack it and copy it to points.
Works quite well actually and is simple.
Hi, thanks for pointing that. But in the files they didn´t include the boat or the setup. I got stucked as when created 3 points it copy the boat to the 3 points and not to an average of them. There is a wrangle node on the class that he didn´t show the content that is named N_Up_from the frame. Could you help me showing how can I copy to the average of the 3 points created on the surface?
Best regards,