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Wacom/Mouse mode and Houdini 14, semi-unusable atm.. 2016年5月25日9:36
RobWThe good news is that PySide2 is almost finished, which is the missing piece we've been waiting for to jump to Qt5. However, that is slated for the next major version, unfortunately.
Another version of Houdini, but the problem is still here with a Wacom tablet in -mouse mode-.
Installed H15.5 for testing, and it's giving me the same pain as before.
Is there -any- timeline when this will be fixed?
Houdini UI Not Designed For VR VFX Applications 2016年5月12日13:43
Wherever you read that, feel free to now question all their past and future content.
Ok, http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=602&Itemid=55 [sidefx.com]
“Toronto: March 6, 2007”
That's from over 9 years ago. Houdini 15.0 was released last year, after about a nine month development cycle.
Houdini UI Not Designed For VR VFX Applications 2016年5月12日13:31
FVGDOTCOMWherever you read that, feel free to now question all their past and future content.
Indeed, if I remember correctly, SideFx had to take a loan for 1.5 million dollars to develop Houdini 15.