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Reading .sim files 2013年11月12日12:33

Okay, that will get rid of the collision geometry, but how do I get the flip particles to show up?

Reading .sim files 2013年11月12日11:57

I have three flip fluid simulations with minor tweaks that I have saved out as .sim files. Then, in the DopNetwork I read them back in using three file nodes and used a switch node to control when each one is read. Now I would like to import them into SOPS where I intend to surface them.

The problem I am experiencing is that when I use the Object Merge, Dop Import, or Dop I/O nodes to read in the switch node all I get is the collision geometry and not the flip particles. Is there a button I forgot to click?

Cloud pirates 2012年11月7日19:20

This is beautiful! Are you planning on making the clouds move in the future?