Bernhard Hochenauer


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Houdini Engine


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textures lost after unpack 2021年5月20日8:43


i´ve got quite a simple setup. i have a moving figure and i apply a pointdeform to a piece of junk, that should move the same way.
The piece of junk is a redshift proxy object, it renders fine, but i need to unpack it in order to make it move correctly.

Sadly i lose the texture in the process. I tried to promote to primitive attributes and point attributes with a * flag.
But then redshift crashes and houdini becomes unresponsive.
I also tried an attribute transfer, same problem, i also tried to cache thinks out, also the same.

In order to get the texture, which attributed do i need, to restore the texture (uv and Cd? primitive or point attribute) and which would be the best way to do it?

thank you

delete certain Objects after RDB 2021年4月22日16:40


yeah, that helped quite a bit, thanks for your helpful comment!

I´m still wondering why doing a primitive group and delet it does not work, any ideas?

best wishes

delete certain Objects after RDB 2021年4月16日5:52

Hi, i did a setup, where particles spawn a RBD simulation.

My question is, what is the best way to delete certain Objects that behave strangely.
I thought it should be quite simple, make a primitive group, select and delete, but it does not seem to work.

Another question would be when there´s some jittering with objects that should rest, any tips?

i attached a simplified setup.
thank you