Harsh Gajjar
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Houdini 19 doesn't load AT ALL on Ubuntu 21.10 2024年8月1日19:47
Hello Everyone,
This thread is really helpful to know that I had to install some of the dependency, which helped in my case with Ubuntu 24.04 and Houdini 20.0.547.
The Steps which helped me resolve the issues
I also tried to run
I used this process to export jemalloc.
But I think, this doesn't make any difference, it gives this warning, and I disabled it from the ENV file.
One more thing, I would like to add is, If you are using NVIDIA GPU then it might require to utilize NVIDIA's prime-render offload which opens your utility through discrete graphics card.
I usually put this commands into Houdini.env to utilize NVIDIA as my primary openGL and openCL Drivers(If it's CUDA Supported, you can check through hgpuinfo -c).
Hope this will be helpful to someone who's facing crashes on Ubuntu 24.04 with Houdini 20.0.547 & 20.0.+
This thread is really helpful to know that I had to install some of the dependency, which helped in my case with Ubuntu 24.04 and Houdini 20.0.547.
The Steps which helped me resolve the issues
sudo apt-get install libxkbcommon-x11, libxcb-icccm4, and libxcb-render-util sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev
I also tried to run
export LD_PRELOAD="/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc_malloc_debug.so.0" houdini
I used this process to export jemalloc.
cd $HFS/dsolib cp libjemalloc.so.1 empty_jemalloc/libjemalloc.so.1.orig cp empty_jemalloc/libjemalloc.so.1 .
But I think, this doesn't make any difference, it gives this warning, and I disabled it from the ENV file.
WARNING: JE Malloc not configured. Excessive memory fragmentation and poor performance may result. If this is intentional, set HOUDINI_DISABLE_JEMALLOCTEST=1 to remove this warning.
One more thing, I would like to add is, If you are using NVIDIA GPU then it might require to utilize NVIDIA's prime-render offload which opens your utility through discrete graphics card.
I usually put this commands into Houdini.env to utilize NVIDIA as my primary openGL and openCL Drivers(If it's CUDA Supported, you can check through hgpuinfo -c).
#Disable Jemalloctest to avoid any excessive memory fragmentations
#NVIDIA Prime render offload properties
Hope this will be helpful to someone who's facing crashes on Ubuntu 24.04 with Houdini 20.0.547 & 20.0.+