Julius Hall
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United States
Houdini Engine
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Houdini Installation issue on Manjaro 2021年12月20日21:00
Thanks! Ill check it out. I have not been able to get Redshift to work on Pop_Os 20.04
How to install Houdini/Hqueue on Ubuntu and an AMD GPU 2021年12月19日14:19
Hey thanks for posting this. Not a lot of information on Hqueue installation in my experience. I'm trying to setup Hqueue currently to render in the background and I have some computers sitting around, and I'd feel like a badass. I'm using Houdini Indie, and I have 3 computers with different specs. There are no bleeding edge machines at my disposal but surely they can be of use, maybe? I have POP_OS 20.04 on two machines(I'm still rather new to Linux, but I have made it a point to use it on all of my personal computers sans my laptop because I still need to use other Mac applications) and MacOS(thinking about installing Ubuntu on it, it's 2012 MacPro) on the other. I was wondering am I limited to using only two machines or can I use all three? Also could a NAS house the shared folder for the server?
Houdini Installation issue on Manjaro 2021年12月15日23:53
Hi, I was thinking about trying out Manjaro and Houdini 18.5. Are there any really noticeable benefits to using manjaro, and also has does Redshift work on Manjaro?