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.OBJ import with material groups 2011年3月28日21:39
You can check on the forum that Houdini will not import .mtl information linked to the .obj.
I don't understand that choice from Sidefx as many programs handle obj/mtl actually.
One solution is to use the autodesk fbx converter and import the fbx file into houdini.
I don't understand that choice from Sidefx as many programs handle obj/mtl actually.
One solution is to use the autodesk fbx converter and import the fbx file into houdini.
Wavefront OBJ/MTL 2011年3月18日15:50
This is a quick and dirt way to create mtl files based on the primitive groups in your geometry. Use the supplied file naming convention (.$F.obj) or otherwise it won't work. []
Thank you for your otl.
I will definitively have a try.
Wavefront OBJ/MTL 2011年3月17日21:47
as usful as obj/mtl is as a utility file format it really isn't widely used in production with Houdini…
Yes it looks like they don't give to much attention at that issue since a long time.
and it wouldn't be too difficult to write a python node to read an mtl and spit out a bunch of materials based on the descriptions in the mtl file - but the materials you get will be pretty basic…
Unfortunately I'm not a programmer if someone can do that utility for exporting obj/mtl in a basic level it will be nice also.
But I repeat for those who can't afford paying a full license like me (I have apprentice HD)I will be rather happy to render my images directly into the Octane renderer which is dealing with obj/mtl.