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disable specular lighting on per obj or shader basis? 2014年10月2日6:52

yes, that's what I did before H13. H13 new lighting contribution works like a charm

any idea how the ‘lightmask’ label works??

anyway, thank you for your help

disable specular lighting on per obj or shader basis? 2014年9月29日19:29

thank you Joker, overwriting spec geometry attribute will not filter per lighting component, sorry I didn't make it clear. ops:

There are few lights illuminate the same object. I like to switch off specular but still receive diffuse contribution from one of those lights, and other lights illuminate as normal. I used to setup extra light only for this object with specular lighting off, but it's messy when scene gets complex. Wonder if there is something on object or geometry level that combine “light mask” on object node and “light contributions” on light node does per light contribution component filtering.

For shader, I just found ‘lightmask’ does per shading component support. []

I setup a sphere scene with 2 lights(light1, light2) and following code on inlineVop connect to surfaceOutputVOP of a material shader builder.

vector nn=normalize(N);
$f = diffuse(nn, .5, “lightmask”, “light1”) * 2;

Both light illuminate as without “lightmask”, I couldn't get it work.

disable specular lighting on per obj or shader basis? 2014年9月29日1:57

I like to disable specular component from a light base on per object or shader without separate lighting setup. Is it possible to set this up on per object basis?

Does something like light selection(mask) exists on Physically Based Specular VOP or Diffuse VOP shading component inside shader??

Thank you