Kelvin Cai


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Houdini Engine


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UE5 + Nanite = Perf Hit ? 2021年6月15日13:17

I think using HE to point scatter those Nanite SM which are already imported in UE5 would be a great workflow to create stunning environment.

Landscape tiles output not working for UE5 World Partition 2021年6月15日13:12 []

Understanding UE5 is still in Early Access, and HE does not support UE5EA officially yet. I have tested outputting Landscape tiles with World Partition at UE5EA.

With unreal_landscape_tile_actor_type = 1 and no unreal_level_path set, it generate one SharedLandscape actor with one StreamingProxy.

ie. with 16x16 tiles, it generates 16x16 SharedLandscape actor and 16x16 StreamingProxy in total.

The behavior is different as it was in UE4 and it looks like it is broken in UE5EA with World Partition

Anyone got UE5 World Partition working?

Houdini 18.5 Python 3 Megascan Bridge LiveLink 2021年6月9日14:21 []

Currently, I only tested it to load Megascan 3d assets for Mantra successfully, but nothing else. There are other modifications (especially for renderer other than Mantra) that I would miss. I suggest we all work together to update the Megascan Houdini plugin that works the way we want!