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Force Stash node to update on upstream changes 2022年7月27日0:12
Awesome, yes it does thank you!
Force Stash node to update on upstream changes 2022年7月26日23:51
I have a mesh and have a few separate Vellum sims that fire in a linear fashion. I've found I need to "stash" the output of the first vellum sim, otherwise the 2nd vellum sim runs forever. As result there is a bunch of manual updates I want to remove in the graph to have it cook and update properly.
Upstream I want to update a rigpose node and have all the stashes update and sims fire on the new data.
I am not having any luck getting both the stash nodes to updates.. I have tried python sops before and after the stash with hou.node("../stash1").parm("stashinput").pressButton()
and I have tried
n = hou.node("../stash1")
parm = n.parm("stash")
parm.set(geo) without much luck.
I am under the impression that the stash node might need a time update to trigger, but have not been able to make a timeshift force an update either.
Thanks for any help.
Upstream I want to update a rigpose node and have all the stashes update and sims fire on the new data.
I am not having any luck getting both the stash nodes to updates.. I have tried python sops before and after the stash with hou.node("../stash1").parm("stashinput").pressButton()
and I have tried
n = hou.node("../stash1")
parm = n.parm("stash")
parm.set(geo) without much luck.
I am under the impression that the stash node might need a time update to trigger, but have not been able to make a timeshift force an update either.
Thanks for any help.
`@pdg_output` not finding HDA processor output geo 2019年12月7日17:26
I am seeing similar issues with 18.0.311 trying to use PDG with apprentice. Lots of crashes also. Even on basic stuff not using the HDA processor but as basic as cooking a Top geometry import node from step 2 of the city building PDG tut.