kimmo ala-ojala


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Python classes for transform handles 2018年2月26日2:29

When you select for an example a transform node, you can see its handle in the viewport, but
if you have two transforms coming from a box node and then you merge them together, when you select the
merge node, you see no transform handles. But while selecting a transform you go on top of it (in the viewport)
and click the right mouse button, you see Persistent checkbox there, enable that and your handle is visible even
if you select the merge node. Make both transforms handles persistent then you can select the merge and you see both handles at the same time, no need to select them trough network editor.

Python classes for transform handles 2018年2月22日11:20

ok, got things working with following python/hscript:
node = hou.node('../test_tr')
name = 'Transformer: '+node.path()
hou.hscript('pomadd "'+name+'" xform')
hou.hscript('pomattach "'+name+'" '+node.path()+' tx:tx ty:ty tz:tz')

Python classes for transform handles 2018年2月22日10:48

And Im having hard time getting any of the hscript/handle related
commands to work and do the job that they are supposed to.
Tried pomadd, pomset