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Sweep SOP Question - Soloved 2013年1月24日16:51

Do you see the 3rd post pointed at a 45% rotation. Is there any part of this tool that can remove the y rotation? This tool works perfectly but I can figure out how to not spin this 3rd post.

The copy SOP does this, but messes with something else and I don't think I can use this SOP


Any ideas?

Turns out that the copy sop was the best tool. I needed to deselect “Transform using template point attribute”

Quickstart Columns Tutorial material issue 2013年1月15日17:31


I am also doing this tutorial, but you are a bit farther ahead of me. When I get here I will see if I can help out in any way. If you figure this out, make sure and post here on how you got around the issue. If you are interested, I would love to learn Houdini with another person.

Best Regards,

Learning DVD 2013年1月15日12:05

I peronsally really like:

cmiVFX (becareful, there are some VERY complex tuts here and will overwhelm you as a beginner

http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1846&Itemid=351 [sidefx.com]

http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/side-effects-houdini/3d_cg_houdini_sidefx_modeling_asset_vfx_workflow_autofence1/ [cg.tutsplus.com]

http://www.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/sv_showvideo.php?v=668 [3dbuzz.com]

While they are not DVD's who wants something in the mail. online video's are so much better!