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New Houdini Engine Python API documentation where? 2020年11月21日8:20
No this is not the OFFICIAL python binding, it's only my side project. It run outside of houdini and only communicate with houdini engine.
I add some object-oriented wrapping of Houdini Engine's API, for example setting parameter, as well as multi-session management I am working on it right now.
Thanks maajor, I'm looking forward to seeing where you are going with this!
Would you know where to find documentation for the “official” bindings? I assume the bindings themselves come with Houdini Engine, but there seems to be no mention of it anywhere but the “Whats new in H18.5” page, and no documentation either.
I think the official one is https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hapi/ [www.sidefx.com]
Looks like it's just like do
hapi = cdll.LoadLibrary("libHAPIL")
Best Regards,
New Houdini Engine Python API documentation where? 2020年10月27日3:50
Just found this while googling around:
https://pypi.org/project/pyhapi/ [pypi.org]
Is this it? It looks like it's in a very early stage of development?
Anyone knows anything?
No this is not the OFFICIAL python binding, it's only my side project. It run outside of houdini and only communicate with houdini engine.
I add some object-oriented wrapping of Houdini Engine's API, for example setting parameter, as well as multi-session management I am working on it right now.
Official python bindings? 2020年8月21日21:56
I just totally missed the part that I can use hom from regular python shell and make command-line tools with hou module. That of course means that there is no point in such low level API.
Actually I found that somebody did the bindings already: https://pyhapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [pyhapi.readthedocs.io] though I'm not sure how practical it can be. May be in some environment where you can't use python2.7
Hi, glad someone found my python-binding https://github.com/maajor/pyhapi, [github.com] basically it just
- Wrap houdini engine's C API
- Provide an object-oriented interface
About use case, I write it just because I made some HDA and doesn't want to launch houdini/maya/unity to use it, so I can process geometry with the HDA in command-line. For example, I made HDA to do rough skinning and simulation, I call with command-line to batch such processing, just like PDG but within command-line.