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FBX VS Mantra shaders for reflection 2013年8月27日2:37

hi grayOlorin and thanks for your replay
yes i put just an HDR image in the environment light as an environment map
the problem is why mantra material dosent reflect the environment map like fbx material do ???? i try everything
i actually want to use mantra material cause the reflection pass is nice , with fbx surface shader you cant go inside to get vex code for exporting reflection pass , other extra image plan in mantra render are not working properly

FBX VS Mantra shaders for reflection 2013年8月26日1:19

i have a problem here guys
i import an fbx file from 3ds max with materials , fbx material inside houdini have a reflect parameter working fine but when i try to do the same effect by using mantra material i get a problem
my question is
how to make the same effect through mantra material , am i doing something wrong???? it just an hdr image inside an environment light , why fbx material able to reflect the hdr image properly when mantra material is not ????
second i try to use mantra cause i can export reflection pass properly , is there any way to export reflection pass from fbx materials cause in houdini fbx material are locked and you cant go inside it , i try everything nothing work actually

maya to houdini 2013年6月17日2:04

you can use fbx format houdini handle it very well
or you can use obj format