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How to hole the homes 2011年10月3日16:10

Hi Rafaels
OK, that might be the easiest route, but in our case, each house is different.
For the windows, for instance, their height, width and spacing will differ from house to house. Also a random function will determine whether at each interval there is either a window, blank wall, or a full length door. Some colonial houses have all doors. The only constant is that you must have at least one door. So the asset, controlled by Python might not allow for such flexibility unless it had it's random function incorporated.

How to hole the homes 2011年10月1日0:54

Writing code is what I do.

With the guy I'm helping on a CGI project,
we feel limited on how much cityscape we can
produce creating the objects directly in Houdini.
Whereas with some random numbers and a few
do loops and object oriented programming, the
virtual environment can be made to go on forever.

Come on somebody, there must be a simple
way to perform a Boolean operation on Houdini
objects under Python program control.

In your face. 2011年9月29日14:20

How do I add a polygon to a face of a volume, under Python, to then be able to either push it in or out? (The latter I know how to do, thanks to Tomas, see post on point movements).