Mark Reinhardt


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Nails not falling correctly 2022年12月5日4:30

Thank you for your feedback and the file. And sorry for the late reply. I'll turn on email notifications for the forum. Just missed that. I have intentionally used the RBD solver. So far I've had the impression that the bullet solver simulates a bit more sloppy and is more suitable for short action clips where you lose track of the movements. In addition, the RBD solver is more flexible in terms of collision geometries.
I looked at Hatchery's simulation. The problem is that the nails no longer behave asymmetrically.
With the RBD solver, a large number of nails fall correctly - only a few move incorrectly. And I couldn't figure out why.
Here is my final result with the RBD solver.

Nails not falling correctly 2022年11月6日8:15

Hello, everyone,

I'm really sorry but I'm going insane with this simulation. Does anyone of you have an idea why the nails don't fall correctly on the ground?

The geometry of the nails should be correct, I checked the volume representation and tried all other conceivable parameter changes. Another scale didn't help either. It just doesn't work.

Maybe it has something to do with the center of mass? But I've already set it manually - without success.

Thank you for your help and best regards

Why does normalizing not working in this case? 2020年4月14日5:34

You are absolutely right. Thank you.