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Stripes issue on the smoke's surface during collision 2015年8月22日12:56

Effectively i think the issue comes from a collision probleme, but when i play with the collision setting to get a more accurate collison, i get the same result.
Do you know if extrude the glass should make a collision more accurate ?

thx for your reply

Stripes issue on the smoke's surface during collision 2015年8月22日5:55

Hi everybody, hope all of you have a great week end,
I try to make a simulation of a glass jar with smoke inside, but i got 2 issues during the simulation:

-The first issue is about some stripes which appear vertically on the smoke's surface when smoke collides with the glass jar. It seems these stripes comes from the primitives of the jar… So how could i manage to remove this stripes and get a surface clean and smoother ?
-The second issue is about the “Resize Container”, during the simulation the resize container works well, it rising correctly, but at a certain time the resize container starts to be crop (cut off) from the bottom. So the container rising but in the same time it is cut off from the bottom

I put my scene here and some picture. if someone know a way to help me, it would be awesome, because i'm stuck and i didn't find any solution.

Oh just a last point, i'm a beginner in houdini and i don't have a lot of experience so if you have something to say about my scene (organisation, optimization), please just tell me. Tell me if something is not acceptable or if something should be better in an another way. I really want to progress.

Thank in advance for your help and your time. :wink:

Mantra Shadows issue: burned shadow edges 2015年8月19日17:38

I'm a beginner in houdini, but maybe try to increasing th sampling in the render setting. Maybe you alredy did it ^^