Michael Ng


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Select edges whether horizontal or vertical 2023年12月7日22:11

Hello all
Three years late but better than never.
A student of mine was asking about selecting edges procedurally to polybevel.
After failing to find a solution with the group SOP, I found animatrix's wrangle solution.
At first, I too had the same weird 'shader error', but after some troubleshooting and clearing the extra brace added by vusta,
I managed to get things to work and added some comments in this example file in my journey to understand the code.
It is not fully procedural but it is a way forward instead of manual selection.

Hope it helps others jumping into this in future as I have done this Dec 2023.

p/s you have to click on the top right button in the point wrangle SOP to create the spare parameters after you paste the code.

Michael Ng
Nanyang Polytechnic

Hard edges on models 2017年8月22日9:55

You could also use the facet sop like this…

To create the rock formation as shown it might be better to go by the displacement shader method as you would need a gazillion polys to get the details you see in that pic. Although most of the surface is flat, you need to get your polygon to the smallest chip on that rock.

Selecting Fractured Pieces by Painting 2017年3月31日2:04

Many thanks Tomas.
It works beautifully although it took me some time to make sense of the code.

Here is the working file with the solution and notes added for future reference and search.