Eric Mootz
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HDK: a few questions 2017年7月29日5:58
The code in the docs is fairly clear here if you haven't managed to find it.
Hello Henry,
ha, that is exactly what I was looking for! Beats me how I missed that when going through the HDK doc
I just gave it a quick try and it works like a charm, thank you!
HDK: a few questions 2017年7月29日5:14
@ndickson : with the help of your code snippets and explanations I got everything working just fine and I am now also checking the validity of the handles before setting any data. Thanks so much for the help!
@symek: marvelous, thank you!
@symek: marvelous, thank you!
HDK: a few questions 2017年7月28日12:27
Hello ndickson,
Thanks for the quick reply and the code snippet!
Here is how I set the "per shared vertex' data (in this case some normals):
A while back, when attempting to set unique vertex data, I tried pretty much the same (as my above code), however I didn't use getPrimitiveVertexList which explains the problems I was seeing.
I will give it a try using your approach and will post here how it went!
Thanks for the quick reply and the code snippet!
Here is how I set the "per shared vertex' data (in this case some normals):
// GU_Detail *gdp = ... ; GA_RWHandleV3 rwh(gdp->addFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "N", 3)); rwh->setTypeInfo(GA_TYPE_NORMAL); for (LONG i = 0; i<numPoints; i++) rwh.set(i, some3DVector);
A while back, when attempting to set unique vertex data, I tried pretty much the same (as my above code), however I didn't use getPrimitiveVertexList which explains the problems I was seeing.
I will give it a try using your approach and will post here how it went!