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what is the proper way to read a bgeo cache!?? 2014年2月23日10:53

i know sound stupid, but there is no way i can read that damn bgeo format!!

i have made a cache from my fliptank with a rop driver, then with a file node(allways inside the fliptank) i have reload the cache, results? the simulation still goes on and no cache its readed!!

can please someone point me to what to do in order to read that cache and not simulate?

thank you

particle cache huge!!! 2014年2月20日5:50

Fantastic guys, you are life saver here

now another question! if i want to have bgeo files i need to re simulate the whole thing? or i can use the same .sim cache?

caching out particles to export on xsi 2014年2月19日13:53

i have made a simulation from a flip tank, but for unknown reasons i am not able to export the simulation anywhere, i tried with alembic, both the main exporter and the alembic solver (both in the autodotnet and fluidtank itself) i have tried with the rop net export aswell, but the alembic files even being 480mb (i tried exporting only the first frame) when imported back in xsi or even inside houdini are empty, someone could give an advice?

thank you