paul leem


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Python Bug in Hqueue & Houdini..? 2023年4月4日12:55

Hi. I'm currently trying to run a HQueue Server.

Setting the folder directory, server port, and other things arn't an issue to me...though I get a weird python error in the output log, preventing me from continuing on, and eventually leading the current task to be abandoned.

Accessing "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 19.5.303\bin\hython" ...
Loading .hip file E:/Houdini/HoudiniProjects/HQueue_test/Template.hip.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\PROGRA~1\SIDEEF~1\HOUDIN~1.303\python39\lib\site-packages\pxr\Tf\", line 163, in <module>
File "C:\PROGRA~1\SIDEEF~1\HOUDIN~1.303\python39\lib\site-packages\pxr\Tf\", line 87, in PreparePythonModule
with WindowsImportWrapper():
File "C:\PROGRA~1\SIDEEF~1\HOUDIN~1.303\python39\lib\", line 119, in __enter__
return next(self.gen)
File "C:\PROGRA~1\SIDEEF~1\HOUDIN~1.303\python39\lib\site-packages\pxr\Tf\", line 47, in WindowsImportWrapper
File "C:\PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.303/python39\lib\", line 1111, in add_dll_directory
cookie = nt._add_dll_directory(path)

Why is this error happening? Is it a corrupted python file issue?
I lack the ability to analyze the whole HQueue python code(which I don't even know how to access it in the first place), but if that's the only solution, please provide some information about it as well.

I'm waiting for your help! Thanks!

Problems with Rasterize Attributes SOP and 'v' values 2020年1月1日6:24

OK Hi everyone. I'm a beginner who just started learning Houdini through the old version of Applied Houdini. Let me jump right into the question.

In the old version, there was a SOP called “fluidsource” which I find was very cool since it can create a volume while storing some vector data in it's own vector field.

However, after Houdini v17 the SOP disappeared, thus we should now create a volume with the help of Pyro source SOP(which I guess is a SOP that stores by messing around with particles), and the Volume Rasterize Attributes SOP.

The main problem is that if I try to include a ‘v’ attribute to the Volume Rasterize Attribute SOP, it sure does store the value by creating a ‘v’ field, but it also RASTERIZES IT!! I don't want this to happen. I just want vector values to be in the field where there are supposed to be, not to be shown as density values. Since density values are scalar, it surely causes a lot of problems when vector attributes are transformed into scalar attributes.

So the main question is, how can I create a volume that visualizes density values and stores vector values, not a volume that visualizes both density and vector values?

I'd like to get any help if possible. Thx