pgrochola pgrochola
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vex array remove specific element 2016年10月22日23:46
for example:
void removeFromArray(int inputArray; int newArray; int removalItem)
//loop through all elements of array
int alength = len(inputArray);
int counter = 0;
for(int i=0; i<alength; i++)
//if it doesnt match removalItem add it to newArray
newArray= inputArray;
int a = {1,2,3};
removeFromArray(a, @bob, 3);
void removeFromArray(int inputArray; int newArray; int removalItem)
//loop through all elements of array
int alength = len(inputArray);
int counter = 0;
for(int i=0; i<alength; i++)
//if it doesnt match removalItem add it to newArray
newArray= inputArray;
int a = {1,2,3};
removeFromArray(a, @bob, 3);
Collada and FBX Don't Support Rigging? 2015年7月30日15:19
Im exporting maya rigs into houdini without problem.
All the anim and skinning comes across fine.
The rig has to have just baked anim on the joints though.
It cant have any iks ect.
All the anim and skinning comes across fine.
The rig has to have just baked anim on the joints though.
It cant have any iks ect.
crowds- locomotion node 2015年7月28日21:58
Hey all,
When baking out an anim clip there is an option to specify the locomotion node to convert the anim to “inplace”. This correctly zeros out the anim.
I see in the docs that the locomotion anim gets saved.
My question is..
Does this saved locomotion (associated with a clip) automatically get used
by the crowd system when it retimes and blends the anim?
If so.. how does this fit in with setting the “inplace Gate Speed” ?
I've been struggling to understand how to correctly bends between clips that have varying locomotion speed across the length of a clip. Relying on the particles speed to purely control that locomotion (losing the original locomotion) seems to be inaccurate.
What am i missing?
Any help is much appreciated!
When baking out an anim clip there is an option to specify the locomotion node to convert the anim to “inplace”. This correctly zeros out the anim.
I see in the docs that the locomotion anim gets saved.
My question is..
Does this saved locomotion (associated with a clip) automatically get used
by the crowd system when it retimes and blends the anim?
If so.. how does this fit in with setting the “inplace Gate Speed” ?
I've been struggling to understand how to correctly bends between clips that have varying locomotion speed across the length of a clip. Relying on the particles speed to purely control that locomotion (losing the original locomotion) seems to be inaccurate.
What am i missing?
Any help is much appreciated!