Matt Tillman


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Houdini Engine


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obj-image Intermediate
Building Components in SOPs: Hierarchies and KineFX

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Denoiser via Husk 2024年9月22日18:41

I set a render off over the weekend via the USD Render LOP and it hasn't denoised so you're probably right about possible configuration issues. It must have only been working in the viewport renders.
I'll update to the latest version and see if it fixes itself.

And yeah I tend to render my scenes from husk via the commandline either through the terminal or via deadline. It means not needing a full instance of houdini running and in the case of deadline it's good for render stats, managing queues and rendering separate frames with each GPU (sometimes this is faster than using all GPUs for each frame).

Denoiser via Husk 2024年9月20日23:07

Anyone know how to get denoising to work with Karma when rendering via Husk directly?

Denoising works fine from inside Houdini with a USD Render node but exporting the scene to USD and rendering through Husk doesn't seem to do any denoising?

I can see any flags to pass to Husk to tell it to denoise. I assumed the denoising settings would be saved with the USD and picked up by Karma in Husk but I guess not.

Perhaps it just has to be done as a separate pass using idenoise or something but that would be a shame.

oiiotool subimages corrupted 2024年9月2日3:09

Anyone else had any issues with oiiotool producing different results to hoiiotool?

I have some Karma renders with AOVs that I'm trying to convert because the client is using a display referred workflow.

I've noticed that the -a flag seems to work with hoiiotool but corrupts the subimages with oiiotool.
It could be that oiiotool hasn't compiled properly or something, I installed it with with vcpkg.

oiiotool seems to work fine for everything except the subimages, which is why I've only just noticed the problem as I haven't needed to use it for anything except the beauty until now.

I know the obvious solution is to just use hoiiotool instead but it's quite a bit slower as it's using an older version that doesn't support the parallel-frames flag.