Patrick Piche
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otl parameter lable width control? 2019年7月17日18:35
Re-opening a thread from the death.
It's true that having the possibility to change the justification of the label to left/right would be nice.
Also having a way to have a fixed width or all match the longer label width for a group of labels ex. in a multi-parm where parameters are organized in column with “Horizontally Join to Next Parameter” option.
Actually, string parameters are by default like this but using it as a label is not ideal.
It's true that having the possibility to change the justification of the label to left/right would be nice.
Also having a way to have a fixed width or all match the longer label width for a group of labels ex. in a multi-parm where parameters are organized in column with “Horizontally Join to Next Parameter” option.
Actually, string parameters are by default like this but using it as a label is not ideal.

How to delete/replace a String parameter reference in python 2019年7月9日18:03
When a string parm is set with a hscript reference to another parameter, how can we delete or replace this reference?
If I simply do set, it will change the value of the referenced parameter and deleteAllKeyframes() does nothing…
The only solution I found at this time is the next:
Or change this to an expression…
Am I wrong or there is no other way?
When a string parm is set with a hscript reference to another parameter, how can we delete or replace this reference?
If I simply do set, it will change the value of the referenced parameter and deleteAllKeyframes() does nothing…
The only solution I found at this time is the next:
p = hou.parm('/obj2/geo2/file1/file') if p.getReferencedParm() != p: p.revertToDefaults() p.set('`chs("../../geo/file1/file")`')
Or change this to an expression…
Am I wrong or there is no other way?
Revert Parameter Interface by script 2019年1月30日11:39
Can we do a ‘Revert Parameter Interface’ in Python?

Can we do a ‘Revert Parameter Interface’ in Python?