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binary operator expected while installing houdini on ubuntu 2010年3月7日21:13

Thanks. I manage to solve it. I extracted my files into another folder which did not work. No idea why but when I extract it to /home it works.

binary operator expected while installing houdini on ubuntu 2010年3月7日11:40

Hi guys, I get this error while installing my houdini in ubnutu 9.1 and fedora 12 as well. This is the error:

618244K is the space required to install selections…
86647556K is available on /opt/hfs10.0.554

Commencing installation of selected modules.
This may take a few minutes…

Installing: Houdini in /opt/hfs10.0.554
./houdini.install: line 774: [: /home/raymond/houdini: binary operator expected
./houdini.install: line 782: [: /home/raymond/houdini: binary operator expected

Error: this doesn't appear to be a valid houdini package

Can anyone help me out with this? I am pretty new and in experience to linux.
Oh btw, my gcc version is 4.3.4 and I am sure I download the correct version.


Houdini User Group Meetup- Singapore 2009年9月12日23:02

Hi Singapore Users of Houdini,
We are planning to have a meet up on 24th September Evening at
NYP at 7.30pm.

We have recently formed a user group known as Singapore Houdini “R” User Group a.k.a SHRUG.

Please join us if you are free! Peter Robinson will be in town.

Kindly message me if you have any questions.
So, see you there!
