Bao Richard
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problems about setting multi-parm in HDA processor 2023年10月9日6:59
any help?
any help?
problems about setting multi-parm in HDA processor 2023年9月27日3:30
SWestthanks, i knew using parm as variables, but the main point it i dont have place to insert them since they were not generated before the multi-parm has been assigned a proper value.where to put my variables.
Just a quick suggestion could be to use the parm itself as a variable. Then build your code around that so it works. Use try and except to avoid errors.
problems about setting multi-parm in HDA processor 2023年9月27日0:06
Hey guys, i have been developing my HDA tool for weeks and finally its done. the tool helps me generate a set of wall modules that could be used in my procedural building generation tool.
in my HDA tool, i need to assign a integer value(Let's say 'N') that represent the total number of sidewalls(which is a multi-parm), then the tool would generate N setting tabs for each sidewall. and in each tab i could further customize the details of each sidewall.
now, in order to batch generate many sets of modules, i was considering putting my HDA in PDG to automate the process.
During the process, there are two problems that i need to solve.
1. in my HDA tool ,there are constriants between some HDA parms that i implemented using callback scripts. however, in TOPS network, since the parms were assigned in parallel. the callback scripts constriant wont work properly. My current solution is to pre-generate all params in a python scripts.
2. now comes to the second issue, since i was using multi-parms in my HDA, the children tabs wont appear until the number('N') generated and assigned to it. so i have no idea where to put my variables.
any suggestions would be appreciated!